Despre mine

Fotografia mea
aiurita si neatenta. repezita. uituca. un dezastru la capitolul organizare.vorbareata. prietenoasa. mofturoasa. rasfatata.optimista.

miercuri, 13 mai 2009

Passion is my middle name

Am facut unul din nenumaratele teste de pe FB, si mi s-a parut amuzant si interesant in acelasi timp.  Si, surprinzator, ma regasesc in descriere. 

Key Traits: approachable, enthusiastic, energetic, open-minded, positive, animated 
You are a positive spirit bundled with insatiable enthusiasm. You aren't hesitant about diving head first into new adventures and relationships. Although you might find yourself surrounded by people similar to you, you are about as open-minded as can be. You love to absorb yourself into different cuisines, different sights, different cultures and even different opinions. That's why, when seeking a romantic partner it's more important to you that they possess the same enthusiasm for life and love, rather than the same stance on a political proposition. There are few things you find more attractive and appealing than meeting that special someone who can hold his or her own in a debate AND go adventuring with you.

8 comentarii:

  1. haualeu.. pasionalo care esti!! daca vrei te profile-eaza je .. ca de cand ma uit la criminal minds sunt experta..:D

    5 iulie

  3. eu as da oricat sa o vad mergand la asta: ... =))

  4. Nu mai radeti ca asa e. M-am studiat =))

    Da, merg la Manowar.:D Vicky te bagi?

  5. cred ca nu o lasa parintii... :P

  6. hm.. cred ca nu ma las singura!! Bleoa..

  7. Uof, bine. Si eu care speram sa te vad dand din cap si facand ca toti dracii pe acolo :))
    Auzi, ia intreaba-te, ai chef sa iesi la o cafea zilele urmatoare?
